Sunday, June 27, 2010

Like Father, Like Son. GO ENGLAND!!

Gotta love my guys.... Though thousands of miles apart, both showing support for their soccer team during the World Cup. 
David in St Albans, Hertfordshire

And Pete here in Sydney, Australia.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Classic 2010

so.... we got up early this morning to do The Walk.
it was a great turn-out in Sydney
....and many were dressed for the part

the queue was extremely long where we stood for 25 minutes before it was our turn.

we were all smiles....

ok, well.... some of us....

walkers big and small...

yah!  8k's later.  although my legs are really sore, i look forward to doing this again. 


Thursday, May 6, 2010

a must have

so…i’m in search of a fuzz shaver for sweaters. you know…one of those shavers that removes annoying, rolly polly, fuzzy balls that collect over time – something i’m not a fan of. i had a great one that i found for really cheap at walgreens pharmacy (in the u.s.) - $14.99 and worked like a charm - but, sadly, i discovered i left it behind. i found quite a few options on but why pay for int'l shipping to oz? plus, it was difficult finding someone who would ship here, and since oz doesn’t have amazon, i started searching on aussie shopping sites and found….one. they call it……..


…wait for it…

the “scoparia ball trimmer”. yep. i like to call it “little miss piggy”, simply because...well... it’s a pink piggy fuzz shaver. lol…i know someone in chicago who would LOVE this. yeah.. you know who you are, D.

i couldn’t resist and am now waiting for it’s delivery. 
(by the way, scoparia is a plant that grows wild with pretty pink ball-like flowers, so you can get your minds out of the gutter now)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

that's one ugly snuggie

first of all... the name alone is laughable, so to be seen in one...

especially if you're a guy... so sexy!

but now they come in designer colors....

oh, but my favorite........

creepy-alien-baby-protruding-from-body design
QUICK! what's that number again?  i must have one!

Monday, April 26, 2010


"Perhaps the reason you stay together after all these years is the fact that you’re still trying to capture each other any way you can, every moment you have. Maybe the fact that you never can catch it all keeps it so fascinating."

Bora Bora Sunset

Bora Bora Sunset
My photo
Thanks for stopping by. I thought starting this page would be a fun way to keep in touch and you can see what I've been up to. My life took a surprising and wonderful turn back in 2006. Whoda thought I'd find myself leaving Chicago and moving to the other side of the world where I'm now enjoying life in Australia!