so…i’m in search of a fuzz shaver for sweaters. you know…one of those shavers that removes annoying, rolly polly, fuzzy balls that collect over time – something i’m not a fan of. i had a great one that i found for really cheap at walgreens pharmacy (in the u.s.) - $14.99 and worked like a charm - but, sadly, i discovered i left it behind. i found quite a few options on but why pay for int'l shipping to oz? plus, it was difficult finding someone who would ship here, and since oz doesn’t have amazon, i started searching on aussie shopping sites and found….one. they call it……..
…wait for it…
the “scoparia ball trimmer”. yep. i like to call it “little miss piggy”, simply because...well... it’s a pink piggy fuzz shaver. lol…i know someone in chicago who would LOVE this. yeah.. you know who you are, D.
i couldn’t resist and am now waiting for it’s delivery.
(by the way, scoparia is a plant that grows wild with pretty pink ball-like flowers, so you can get your minds out of the gutter now)