Saturday, March 22, 2008

Mardi Gras in Sydney (Gay Pride Parade) March 1st - my first experience

Mobbed streets......barely dressed... ....or strangely dressed... ...short shorts...
Kikko, a Brazilian server at the party Nat and I attended
Nat.....over here....Earth to Nat....
Ran into Tim and James

James, Michael, Nat and I waiting for the parade to begin is this cute puppy....

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"Perhaps the reason you stay together after all these years is the fact that you’re still trying to capture each other any way you can, every moment you have. Maybe the fact that you never can catch it all keeps it so fascinating."

Bora Bora Sunset

Bora Bora Sunset
My photo
Thanks for stopping by. I thought starting this page would be a fun way to keep in touch and you can see what I've been up to. My life took a surprising and wonderful turn back in 2006. Whoda thought I'd find myself leaving Chicago and moving to the other side of the world where I'm now enjoying life in Australia!