I read an article from someone pro gun who, I'll admit, seems very educated on guns and, because of this, I chose to "hear" what he had to say. He wanted to educate us dumb folk on the AR-15 and why it's so important to have. He talked about this "military-grade combat weapon" as ergonomic, rugged, accurate and reliably effective. He said he doesn't want to "shoot and miss". He also said a weapon like the AR-15 is both an assault and defense weapon, which I agree with. Really, shouldn't all weapons be considered both because, when you think about it, when using a weapon to defend yourself you're also using it to assault someone - your attacker, right? Oh, and he also said, in so many words, if it's good enough for the police to use, then why can't civilians own one too. Oh, well, ok then (you can't see me but this is the point where I'm rolling my eyes). He said he's not writing to try and change or minds about the AR-15 but he just wanted to educate us. But, after reading his article, although I do respect his knowledge and honesty, I still disagree that a civilian NEEDS (he used the word 'needs') to own a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION THAT CAN SPIT OUT DOZENS OF BULLETS WITHIN LESS THAN 10 SECONDS. Ok......well....unless you're being chased by a family of wild boar or......a bunch of CRAZIES running towards you, wielding weapons of mass destruction.
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